Friday, September 18, 2009

Bad mommy!

I suppose I shouldn't feel guilty for not cooking dinner for ONE night, but I do.  I feel like a bad mommy for not providing a nutritious, lovingly prepared meal last night.  Usually, even if I'm not hungry, I know the kids will be, so I prepare whatever it was I had planned and sit and eat anyway (yeah, that there's probably the reason for my weight gain over the last year...).  Last night though, I just couldn't get into it.  I was supposed to make turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans with almonds and lemon and some crescent rolls (out of the tube...eeew, but the kids love them and they were on sale...they're a real treat around here...).  Instead, I combined leftovers from two different dinners:  penne with chicken and peas in a garlic cream sauce and pork kebabs.  I cut the kabob meat into smaller pieces, added it to the pasta with chicken, sprinkled with some bacon salt (which I just got the other's new to me and I had to try has a really funny sort-of bacony, sort-of bbq'd flavor with a hint of dried peppers of the sort you'd find in powdered soup mix...not altogether good, but not bad, either), and nuked it.  My daughter and husband were the only ones hungry, and they said the pasta was good.  My son ate a gogurt and I skipped dinner, but ate a bowl of oatmeal around 9.  Tonight will be have to be meatloaf night!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So long old ideas, Hello new ideas!

Well hello again! It's been ages since we've visited! I apologize for being absent for so long. My intentions were good, but time has been scarce. I am formulating a new mission statement for this blog, as life has taken many twists and turns since it was first brought to life.

So, without any further ado, I hereby declare that this blog, "What did ya eat?" will be a written journal of what I prepare to eat, in my home. I'll throw in occasional recipes and variations, meal plans, cost saving tips and recipe inspirations, photos and videos. I'll probably also talk about food I've eaten out, too.

I love to talk about food and am always willing to brag about my own culinary expertise. Seriously, I make some good stuff. I also make some so-so food and sometimes make things that are barely edible. I'll bring it all, the good, the bad and the ugly.

I hope any cooks out there looking to broaden their horizons or revisit old stand-bys will stop by and see what I've been turning out. Please share your creations, too. I love to gather ideas for new dishes and read recipes! I hope this becomes a place where we can learn and share our food knowledge and creativity.

I look forward to many conversations about food!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Go Friday, It's the weekend, Go Weekend!

I finally made a decent dinner: swai (that's a kind of fish...) piccata, roasted asparagus and zuccini, and gnocci with cilantro pesto. It was very nice. The adults (Philip and I) drank a nice pinot grigio, Ruby had cream soda and Gus had Sprite. All around, we were a happy crew. Gus ate his fish, along with some toasted pine nuts. Ruby didn't like the fish so much, but ate the gnocci and veggies along with toasted pine nuts.

I spent a lot of time today looking into some business stuff. I must say, my head is absolutely swimming. It's like information overload. I want (read: need) to do some online business. I must, in some way, start earning some real money. I don't want to have to get a job outside the house (although I'm looking and applying, so if it happens, I won't turn it down...) but we sure could use a little boost to our income.

Before I begin to go off on finances, online marketing and my hopes and dreams, I think I'll call it a night. I've had a couple (well, a few...ok...more than a few) glasses of wine and I need to call it a night.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My head feels like it's full of cement. I've finally caught Ruby's cold and am all hopped up on 'tussin. I'm downing coffee like it's going out of style to try to shake my night-time cold medicine hangover. So far, it's not really working, but I do have an interesting buzz.

We had Subway at parenting class last night. We all like Subway, so that was cool. I'm bummed I missed out on my free tacos and Quiznos yesterday (part of the Fat Tuesday - eat free thing...iHop was offering pancakes, too, but I don't go there...), but I did have one free meal, so it wasn't a total wash. I didn't eat a ton of Subway because I had made big bowls of ramen with kimchi about an hour before dinner. It was homemade kimchi and SO good! With this cold, I felt the need for hot soup and it was very satisfying!

At parenting class we learned more about natural vs logical consequences. Kids, as we know, aren't always so logical, so we'll see how this lesson plays out. In all, the parenting class is interesting. It's nice to hear other people's horror stories about their kids. Makes me appreciate mine even more ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parenting Class Tuesday

Today would be a good day for chicken soup. I think I'm coming down with a cold, so I'm sure I could use some ol' fashioned Jewish penicillin. Tonight, tho, we have our parenting class at the kids' school. I can not tell a lie, I signed up mainly because they will feed us all dinner for free...and watch the kids...for free and the class itself I am a sucker for "free." Free is in my budget! It really is an interesting class and we're learning some new tricks and tactics to get our little monkeys to do our bidding (or at least not make us crazy!). So, even if it's luke-warm pizza, we'll be eating up at school tonight. sigh Bright side - no dishes; down side - who knows what the food will be like (well, for sure, it won't be hot...). Huge bonus: dinner for four, all-you-can-eat, and free! Must not complain...I think I'll print out my Fat Tuesday coupon for free tacos at Jack in the Box and have that for lunch. OK, so they're usually 2 for $1 anyway, but hey, that's a buck saved for me! Here's a link if you haven't heard of it: Eat Free on Fat Tuesday!

Mardi Gras!!

My eHow Fave Five

How to Videos & Articles:

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm back

Well, I spose I could go into the title of my blog. What it is, is that I wanna know what you ate. I mean, when I say "how are you?" it means "what did ya eat today?" or "eat anything good today?" or "gonna eat anything good later?" or "read about any good food lately?" I love food. I love to talk about food and eat food. I like to cook food and write food recipes. You can see some of my recipes at eHow. Here's a link to one for really good oven baked fries:

How to make perfect french fries - without frying

I'll start. So far today I ate some leftover potatoes that were cooked under a roasting chicken with onions, mushrooms and lardons (rendered bits of smoked hog jowl, like nuggets of bacony goodness), a hot dog, chips and salsa and lots of coffee and diet soda. I plan on making spaghetti and meatballs, salad and garlic bread for dinner.

Other than food, I like to talk about my kids (2 - 1 boy, 1 girl - twins, age 7) and my pets (1 dog, 2 cats, 1...possibly 2... tadpole and several Sea Monkeys). I'm probably not very interesting unless you like to talk about food, kids and pets, too.

Now that I mention tadpoles, it seems our larger one, Swimmy, has done something with the smaller one, Tad. I haven't seen Tad in quite a few days now. I'm pretty sure Swimmy (who, I believe, is the world's oldest tadpole and simply refuses to turn into a frog just to spite me) ate him. I never found a little Tad body floating around and I'm pretty sure he's no longer in our super-cool Go, Diego, Go aquarium. What else could've happened to him? Bad Swimmy. Not only will he not become a frog, but now he's eaten Tad, who might've become a frog if he hadn't been eaten. *sigh*

Let's talk about food, cause talking about my un-froggy tadpole(s) is gettin me down. I just made some really yummy chocolate chunk cookies. OK, well, I broke them apart, put them on the cookie sheet and baked them. I do consider that baking because I did have to turn on the oven and hot pads were involved. We all thought they were wonderful. Thank you, Pillsbury. I <3 you. We even have our very own Doughboy. I'll post a pic of him later. He was a great find at a neighbor's garage sale. We love garage sales, too.

Occasionally, I'll talk about our business, Home Video Studio, and my healthy water product, Real Water.

I have to go update my profile now. I hope you will come back and read my blog again. I'm sure I'll have a lot more stuff to go on about. :)

Hello! Now I'm here :)

Well, it's high time I started blogging. It's all the rage and, lord knows, I wouldn't want to be left out or thought of as uncool. More from me later, right now, I gotta eat something.